SFCMS Student Handbook
Seventy-First Classical Middle School
Student Handbook 2024-2025
Welcome To Seventy-first Classical Middle School!
A National Blue Ribbon School
The ultimate purpose of education is to help each student become an effective, responsible, and productive citizen in our democratic society. Education is a team responsibility, which begins with your family, extends to the school, and encompasses the entire community. The Seventy-First Classical Handbook is prepared to help you develop and accept the responsibilities and obligations of good citizenship in our school and community. Each student and parent is responsible for knowing and understanding this handbook, as well as the Cumberland County Schools’ Code of Conduct.
Mission Statement
Our school is committed to providing a safe and caring environment where students will learn, appreciate diversity, display good character, and become responsible citizens.
Our Beliefs
To fulfill our mission, the faculty and staff of Seventy-First Classical Middle School have set the following beliefs:
Student learning is the first priority of our school.
Each student is an important individual with unique intellectual, emotional, social and physical needs.
A safe and orderly environment promotes student learning.
Character education concepts, a prescribed dress code, and a student code of conduct provide an environment of high expectations within our school.
Teachers, staff, parents, students and community members share in the responsibility of providing a cohesive learning environment.
High expectations and clear goals for student success should guide the curriculum and the development of instructional strategies.
Curriculum and instructional practices should incorporate a variety of activities and strategies to accommodate differences in learning styles.
Assessments of student learning should provide a variety of opportunities for students to demonstrate achievement and mastery.
The commitment to continuous improvement is the focus, which enables students to become global citizens, problem solvers, creative thinkers and independent learners.
Please note that all rules and procedures are subject to change based on current safety guidelines and direction from the CCS Board of Education.
Section 1: Parent Information
Administration of Medicine
Students required to take medication during school hours must have an official physician’s medication form properly completed and on file in our office. This medication form requires written instructions, student’s name, name of drug, dosage, time of day medication is to be given, and signatures of the physician and parent.
Parents are responsible for transporting to and from school all medicines to be administered by school personnel in a container properly labeled by the pharmacy or physician. The pharmacy label on the bottle must match the physician medication form exactly. All medication must be kept in the office.
No student is to have any medications, whether prescription, or over-the-counter drugs in his/her possession at any time during the school day.
Attendance Policy
State law and Board policy requires students to attend school daily and be present for all classes. Regular and punctual attendance is critical to student success in school.
A student shall be present at least one-half of the school day in order to be counted present for the whole day.
Students are expected to be in school except for lawful reasons which include student illness or injury, quarantine, medical or dental appointments.
Documentation should be given to the homeroom teacher the day the student returns to school after an absence. If the note is not received explaining the absence within 5 days after the student returns to school, the absence will be coded as an unlawful absence.
Change in Student Information
It is imperative that the school office be notified immediately of a change of address, home or office telephone number, or of a change in emergency information during the academic school year.
Checking Out
If a student needs to leave during the school day, a parent/guardian must sign him/her out in the main office. A Picture ID is required in order to check a student out of school. Students are only allowed to be checked out by those who are authorized to check them out on their student check out list. In order to maximize instructional time, students will be called from class when the parent arrives in our office. Students will not be dismissed from any class after 2:00 p.m.
Emergency School Closing
In the event of inclement weather, school may be closed or may require a delayed starting time or an early dismissal. Families will be notified via a call system as well as local radio and TV announcements.
Student accident insurance plans selected by the School Board are made available on an optional basis to all students. At the beginning of the school year printed information and application forms will be given to each student. The completed application forms must be mailed directly to the insurance company.
In order to preserve valuable instructional time and to promote the safety of our students, personal calls and deliveries of any kind to students will be allowed in an emergency only. School phones are used for sickness and emergencies only. Student deliveries of flowers, balloons, food orders, etc. will not be accepted.
Non-discrimination Statement
No otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall, solely by reason of his or her disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination from any program or activity of the school. Qualified students with a disability are entitled to a free appropriate public education. Schools actively seek to locate and identify disabled persons ages three through twenty. Compliance with the requirements of Section 504/ADA is coordinated by the Director of the Exceptional Children’s Program of Cumberland County Schools.
Our school policy is to welcome only visitors who have legitimate business at school. Guests and visitors must report to the main office and sign in for authorization before proceeding through the school. Students may not bring visitors to school. Parents are always welcome at Seventy-First Classical Middle School. Parents are encouraged to make appointments to see a teacher during his/her planning time. All approved visitors must sign in at the main office and will be issued a visitor’s badge.
Withdrawal From Sfcms
Parents/guardians of students transferring from Seventy-First Classical Middle School should contact the school office two days prior to withdrawing to initiate the withdrawal process. Students are responsible for returning Laptops, textbooks and library books to the appropriate teachers. Outstanding fees or fines must be paid prior to student’s transfer. Permission to transfer within CCS must be granted by the Student Assignment office.
Section 2: Academics
Computer Use Policy
Cumberland County Schools is now a one-to-one school district. All SFCMS students will be issued school Chromebooks and are responsible for their care, cleaning, and appropriate use. Prior to receiving the device, parents and students are required to sign a technology/ Chromebook contract. Students who do not have a contract on file will not be permitted to use any CCS device. Students are required to adhere to the CCS contract and guidelines provided for the proper care and use of their device. CCS student devices and accounts are monitored by the school district and the school’s administration. Failure to use a device responsibly may result in loss of Chromebook privileges, and damage to a device will result in fines.
Grading Policy
90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
Below 60 = F
Homework Policy
Daily students will have approximately 1 hour of homework for 6th and 7th grade, and 1 hour 30 minutes for 8th grade. Students who are exceeding this recommended timeline consistently are asked to notify their homeroom teacher or an administrator for support.
Late Work/grading Policy
Students will be responsible for submitting all assignments on the due date determined by the teacher. Failure to do so will result in a reduction of one letter grade from the original grade for each day late. Work submitted after the grace period may receive no credit. Exceptions will be addressed on an individual basis.
Make-up Assignments
Students are responsible for securing make-up assignments for absences on the day they return. All work missed due to a lawful absence must be made up within five school days upon the student’s return to school {Policy 4400 (Section D: A long-term illness of more than three days in a row will be provided with additional time to complete all makeup work)}.
Assignments that are not made up will be reflected in the student’s grade. A student who is present when a test/assignment is announced is expected to take the test or complete the assignment as scheduled or upon returning to school.
Media Center
The media center is open to students from 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. daily. Students can either visit with their class or individually during the school day with a pass from their teacher.
Destiny, the online library catalog, can be accessed at: Follett Destiny
Progress Reports
Progress Reports will be given to students once during each quarter (9 weeks).
Student Planner
Each student will be given a planner to promote organization and communication with parents. Students are expected to bring their planners to each class daily.
A Student’s planner serves as their hall pass if the student needs to leave class for any reason.
Section 3: General Student Expectations
All Seventy-First Classical Middle School students and staff have the right to be able to learn and teach in an atmosphere free from unreasonable and unwarranted disruptions. We value our class time and our activity time.
The CCS Code of Conduct outlines expectations for behavior for all students. Students will be furnished with a copy of those expectations at the beginning of the school year.
Cell Phones/smart Devices
All cell phones must be kept silent and placed in lockers during the school day. CCS Board Policy 4318 Use of wireless Devices
No student is permitted to photograph other students at any time; to include dances and field trips.
Inappropriate Items on School Property/ Use
Any device disruptive to the school environment to include electronic devices, including but not limited to cell phones, smartwatches, tablets, digital cameras, and laser devices, will not be displayed, on, or utilized while on the school bus or on school premises during the school day unless utilized for educational purposes as approved by the school administration. Reference CCS Board Policy 4318 - Use of Wireless Devices.
Promptness to school and class is very important! Students are to be in their seats and ready to work at the beginning bell for class. Students must be seated in their homeroom when the 7:30 bell rings to be counted present and on time. Excessive tardies can result in Restorative Justice or Suspension. Reference CCS Board Policy 4400 Attendance -Excessive Tardies.
Tardies to all other classes will be documented by the classroom teacher and parents will be notified. Upon the third unexcused tardy to class, students will be referred to administration. Cumberland County Student Code of Conduct Tardies/Truancy can result in student administrative conference and/or assignment to Restorative Justice.
Board Policy 4400: Attendance. Public Displays of Affection Public displays of affection (PDA) are inappropriate behaviors at school and will be treated as infractions.
Good Conduct
One of the most important lessons education should teach is discipline. It is the training that develops self-control, character, orderliness, and efficiency. It is the key to good conduct and proper respect for self, other people, and property. All Seventy-First Classical Middle School students and staff have the right to expect to be able to learn and teach in an atmosphere free from unreasonable and unwarranted disruptions. We value our class time and our activity time.
Each student is required to enter each class prepared with pencils, pens, paper, textbooks, planner, and all class-related materials necessary for each class..
Assignments, both class work and homework, should be turned in a timely manner. Assignments should be the work of the individual, copying another student’s work or plagiarism are honor code violations and may result in an office referral. Students should utilize their planners for all assignments and should have their planners at all times.
Hall Etiquette
Students should be in the halls only at the beginning and close of the school day and while moving from one class to another, unless they have hall passes indicating special permission or special duties that require them to be there. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for and secure a hall pass before leaving the classroom. Students are expected to be courteous at all times and keep to the right when walking in the halls. Running and shouting are never permitted in the halls or anywhere on campus unless during an approved activity. Students are expected to follow the directional flow patterns of all one way traffic.
Illness/injury at School
Any student sick or injured at school must immediately notify school personnel. Parents will be notified. In case of injury, an accident report will be completed if medical attention is needed.
Emergency Drills
Emergency safety drills will be conducted throughout the school year. Detailed instructions are posted in each classroom and will be reviewed during the drills. Students are expected to follow all safety instructions given to them by school staff members.
Lost and Found
Personal belongings found on school grounds should be turned in to the office. Lost and found items may be claimed in the designated area. The school cannot be responsible for any lost items. Items not claimed by the last day of each quarter (9 weeks) will be donated to a charitable organization.
Photographing/Videoing Students at School by Students
No student is permitted to photograph other students at any time; to include dances and field trips. Students photographed for school activities must have a signed permission slip for photographing on file.
School Meals
Breakfast and lunch are served daily. Lunch menus will be posted at the beginning of each month.
Student’s 2024-2025 school year prices will remain the same as the approved 23-24 prices: Breakfast is free for all students.
Students in all grades qualifying for Reduced Lunch - $0.40.
Students qualifying for free lunch - free
Middle School Students — Full Pay $ 2.75
Students can purchase additional items at the La Carte Price.
All parents are encouraged to complete an application for free/reduced lunch at the beginning of the school year at
Parents can place money on student lunch accounts using the online app
You can always bring money personally or send it with your student. Please place it in an envelope marked clearly with your student's name, their ID #, their teacher's name, the $ amount and the check #. Turn in prepaid deposits to the cafeteria cashier(s) or school office. The cafeteria does not support card payments.
Transportation/school Buses
School bus transportation is only available to Seventy-First Classical Middle School students residing in the attendance area district. To ensure the safety of all passengers, students must adhere to the following while riding the bus:
Except for ordinary conversation, students shall observe quiet conduct.
Students shall stay in their seats and face forward.
Students shall not consume food or drinks on the bus.
No part of the body shall be extended through the bus window at any time.
Students must be quiet while the bus is stopped for railroad crossing.
Students must sit in assigned seats at the discretion of the driver or administrator.
Students are liable for all damages to school property.
Students must follow all reasonable directions of the school bus driver.
Students may not ride a bus not assigned to them. Non-bus students cannot ride the bus.
Lockers are provided for student convenience to keep books and other property needed at school. Each student will be assigned a locker. All books and personal items, when not in use, including heavy coats, are to be kept in your locker. All lockers must maintain a school lock and be locked at all times. Please only use your assigned locker.
Please adhere to the locker schedule. Lockers remain the property of SFCMS and may be subject to inspection by the school administration at any time. Locks are available at the student store.
Parent Messages/Emails
Teachers have 24 hours on school days to respond to parent messages/emails.
School Hours
School hours are from 7:30 a.m. until 2:40 p.m. each day. Students should not arrive earlier than 7:00 a.m. or remain on the campus later than 2:55 p.m. unless they are participating in a supervised activity. Supervision will not be provided for students prior to 7:00 a.m. or after 2:55 p.m. These procedures are designed for the safety and well-being of our students.
Promotion and Retention Policy
In order to be promoted from grade 6 to grade 7 and from grade 7 to grade 8, each student must earn a passing grade of 60 in:
Language Arts
Social Studies
One other course
In order to be promoted from grade 8 to grade 9, each student must demonstrate Mastery>Level III on the North Carolina Reading, Writing and Mathematics End-of-Grade Tests and must earn a passing grade of 60 in:
Social Studies
Two other courses
Reference (CCS Board Policy 3420 Student Promotion and Accountability)
School Equipment and Property
Extreme care should be taken in the use of all school equipment and property. Microscopes, band and orchestra instruments, physical education equipment, textbooks, computers, lockers, and even chairs and desks should be used with proper care. You may be held responsible to pay for damages to school property assigned to you which has been negligently abused.
School Dances/events
We are proud to offer school sponsored dances and other after-school events for our students to enjoy. All parents/guardians are expected to pick up their children promptly at the conclusion of the event.
Student Pick Up/ Drop Off From Private Vehicle
To provide for the safety and proper supervision on campus, students should not arrive before 7:00 am and must be picked up by 2:55 pm each school day. Each morning ALL students will exit private vehicles in the Car Rider Line. The car rider line enters behind the school off of 71st High School Road. Students will exit the vehicle at the gate beside the pavilion.
Morning drop off is NOT to take place in the parking lot in front of the café due to safety issues.
All students will be picked up in the afternoon in the car rider line. Please follow the directions of staff members assisting with loading and unloading of students.
If an emergency should cause a delay in pick up, parents/guardians should telephone the school so that supervision can be arranged. Failure to adhere to this policy could result in the student being transferred to the middle school in his/her attendance area. Students remaining after school for scheduled supervised activities must have pre-arranged transportation for departure at the announced ending time.
Celebrations are held at the end of each semester to recognize students who have achieved perfect attendance, A and A/B Honor Rolls, and special honors for academics, conduct, and good character.
Student performers and professional presenters are often present at these assemblies. Students are expected to be attentive, respectful of presenters and performers, and to sit in designated sections with their teachers and class. You may show appreciation only through clapping hands.
Scholastic Activities
Students have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of co-curricular and extra -curricular activities. Please look for announcements to join or try out for these clubs and activities.
Art Showcase
Battle of the Books
Science Olympiad
Show Choir
Spelling Bee
Student Council
AYPYN - Knights of the Round Table
Pearls of Virtue
Campus Life
Starward Stem
PBIS Expectations
A Good Knight LEADs
A Good Knight... | Listens to instructions | Empathizes with others | is Accountable for their actions | is Dedicated to learning |
Classroom |
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Hallway | Have Your Planner With You at All Times
Be an Upstander
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Restroom | Have Your Planner With You at All Times
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Cafeteria | Listen to All Adults in the Cafeteria
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Arrival/Dismissal | Arrival:
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Bus |
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Technology |