School Profile
Grades 6 - 8
Traditional 10-Month Calendar
Phone: 910-864-0092
Fax: 910-487-8547
The Seventy-First Classical Middle School Family provides an exceptional education for all of our students by providing the academic rigor necessary for continued success. We also strive to emphasize character education and good citizenship through a prescribed dress code and a student code of conduct in an environment of high expectations. We believe that each student is an important individual with unique intellectual, emotional, social, and physical needs.
The faculty and staff are dedicated to the students and their learning. This is evident in our consistent success on the North Carolina End-of-Grade tests and in our extracurricular endeavors. Curriculum and instructional practices incorporate a variety of activities and strategies to accommodate differences in learning styles, and assessments of student learning provide a variety of opportunities for students to demonstrate achievement and mastery.
We believe that our commitment to continuous improvement will enable students to become global citizens, problem solvers, creative thinkers, and independent learners.